Pisseleux 6fev1944 10:41AM
Par une matinée grise, un bombardier américain crêve les nuages au dessus d'un village et tombe en morceaux dans les rues: une tragédie et un double miracle vont unir le village et les Etats Unis de générations en générations.

Pisseleux 2014 Contact Pisseleux 2014
Les témoins des évènements et ceux qui ont fait vivre ce lien d'amitié franco-américain
Mayer William Henry
A traduire...
SUNDAY, 6 FEBRUARY 1944 Mission #212 Plane: B-17 G Time in air: 7 hr 35 min Weather: Low Thick Clouds USAAF - Aircraft 4-2-50 Personnel: 7 KIA, 3WIA, 43MIA Enemy Aircraft: 3-3-0 Bomb Tonnage: 604.8 Airfields in France are targeted but weather forces 400+ bombers to abort the mission. 100 Bombers are dispatched against the Romilly-sur-Seine Air Depot, 21 Forts from the 94th lead the 60 Forts of the 4th Combat Wing in their drop on St Andre de L'Eure Airfield, 40 hit Evreux/Fauville Airfield. They used 500 pound "GP" General Purpose bombs at low altitude 19,000 feet. The 94th was not attacked this day but 30 to 40 fighters could be seen attacking groups ahead with Forts going down in quick succession. Flack was inaccurate accept above the target but the 94th had no losses on the day | Frankfurt Mission results | o | "B" group High | o | "A" group High | o | "A" group Lead
He was part of the 410th Bomb Wing and was involved in the Raid on Romilly sur Seine along with the 338th B-17.